Monday, June 30, 2008

I AM SO BLESSED! WOW! God has surrounded me by the most amazing people. I've had my two baby showers - one that my friends and family threw and one that the ladies from church threw. What a glorious time I had at both and the most amazing girlie gifts!! One of my dearest oldest family friends that attended the 1st shower saw my mom this weekend and said - The love that was in that room was overwhelming - she said when my daughter and I left we both said wow, Holli is surrounded and protected by so much love. (Thank you Ellen). Yes, I have to agree - at both showers - I was surrounded by so very much love! The first shower was at Don Pablos resturaunt - a great place for a shower! Thanks Kris for being there and supporting me!

The church shower was at one of the church members homes on her back porch- they did sucha beautiful job! We played a game that I had never played before - you got a piece of playdough - then you drew a slip of paper w/ some baby related on it. I got rattle- so I had to make a rattle and then everyone walked around and showed their item and whoever guessed the most right wins. IT was soooo funny!!! Let me say - some of the women were so very creative!! Thanks Barbie and Anita - I had a blast!!

I'm going to post some photos - the dress I am wearing was made my dearest BFF Tiffany Star. She did such a GREAT job and I totally felt like a Hollywood Diva since Jessica Alba wore one just like it on Ellen! LOL! Tiff - I love ya and can't thank you enough for the beautiful dress!

I don't want to take apart the diaper cake that Anita and Barb put together because it's TOO cute! The pic of my hubby - oh so funny! He's sporting the Daddy's Diaper Dootie Tool Kit

It consists of goggles, face mask, rubber gloves, pacifiers that say Daddys Little Girl, a pair of tongs (yes tongs) bags to bag up the diapers and of course diapers, butt paste etc. WHAT A GREAT IDEA!!! We all got a HUGE kick out of that!!

I can't thank everyone enough for all the FANTASTIC and ADORABLE gifts I received for Ms. Teagan Starr the future diva. I also can't thank everyone enough for all the love and support I felt and have received!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I am SOOOOOOOOOOO bored!! So, it's been 1 week today since I've been put on bedrest. The days have actually gone by pretty fast - until today. The sun is shinging and it's really cool out and I keep thinking oh today would be a lovely day for a jog... uh, can't.. ok a walk... uh..can't... great day to move furniture and work on the nursery..uh can't! Lay by the pool? Uh can't too cold!! Freaking weather! LOL!
I've watched enough Baby Story to know that I've frightened myself out of giving birth so this child will be staying in forever. And enough Bringing Home baby to know that I'm giving this child away! LOL! They have those shows on so we'll quit having babies don't they?
My baby shower is Saturday and I'm like WAY SO excited! My BFF Tiffany made (yes as in home sewn) me a DROP DEAD gorgeous dress - totally Hollywood - Jessica Alba and Halle Barry wore one just like it - for my shower. I'm going to be so sexy, mama diva-licous at my party! YEAH! That is one thing I can say about this pregnancy - I haven't felt dowdy and fat - I've felt cute and pregnant and healthy. So different than my 1st one. My shower is at a Mexican rest. which I think is a FABU idea! I mean- no one had to clean their house, no one has to clean up afterwards - no one has to prepare food - its brilliant! I can't wait to be surrounded by the people I love most in this life and by people who love me and support me - to feel so blessed. What an amazing feeling its going to be to be gathered with my favorite people.
I can't thank the girls (Denise, Tiffany and Emilee) enough for all the effort and thought to every detail they've put into it! I don't know what all is planned but I know it's going to be wonderful w/ those 3 creative minds! How lucky am I?!?!
So - that's my life - I get up take TK to daycamp, come home eat breakfast, watch TV, check my email, take a nap, eat lunch, watch TV, check my email and go pick up TK. Eat dinner watch TV and go to bed.
So, you're all caught up! LOL
I did go to the Dr yesterday and everything looks great. The contactions have all but stopped - not even every hour. I feel great, the weight gain is good, I measure out right where I'm supposed to be - so God is good and answers prayers as I already knew He would!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hello all - I am requesting prayer from all my blogging friends please.
I spent some time in the hospital last night w/ contractions. Yep, you heard me right. They gave me a shot to stop them, it slowed them, they gave me another shot, it slowed them a little more they sent me home. 30 min later while eating dinner they kicked back in full swing.
So... I went to the Dr today (as I was told to do) and I am now officially on bedrest. They want me to make it another 5 weeks. I WANT to make it another 5 weeks!
But of course, going on short term disability means less pay, bed rest means less freedom. My husband may find this hard to believe however, I do enjoy helping keep our house clean, I do enjoy getting up and doing things. It's going to be very hard for me to stay down. It's going to be very hard on HIM to keep up with everything and work 2nd shift and have me around the house all the time doing nothing. So pray for our peace, pray for our finances and most of all pray for this precious little girl to hold on 5 more weeks!
I am so blessed though! I have had two wonderful friends from church already offer to do my grocery shopping (yep, I'm not allowed to do that either) and clean my house! What amazing people God has put into my life! I trust the Lord to provide for us in everyway. I know He has a plan and that it is the perfect plan - so I'm going to stay upbeat and postive and praise Him and stay out of His way as He carries His plan into action! PRAISE YOU JESUS!
I am feeling better today by the way - have had a few contractions but that's it - they said if they are less than 5 or 6 an hour they aren't going to worry but if I have more than that I need to call in. So - I guess I'll be blogging more since I'll be home to do it!
Thanks for your prayers!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I don't really have anything to say except 7 weeks and counting till the stitch comes out.
I feel fantastic - I am just not starting that uncomfortable phase. You know, the one where walking is an effort to get one foot in front of the other. I walk down the hall and people are laughing at me - no I'm not being paranoid - they tell me that they are laughing at my waddle!
HOW RUDE! I'm a good sport - I can handle it.
My ankles are now cankles (calf ankles) huge huge huge! But again - it's only a few more weeks.
I'm still sleeping good - I get up every 2 hrs to pee but that's good training! LOL!
Still haven't started on the baby room yet - (yes anal Holli is in a panic). I know we'll get it done - it's just a few more weeks and I'll motivate Tim somehow - hmm...maybe I'll fake labor pains and that'll scare him into it! hehehehe!
My baby shower is June 21st and I am SOOOOOOO excited. They are having it at a mexican rest. which is perfect since mexican is my favorite food!
Well - I hope you are all happy and blessed - I pray for you everyday!!!